Your Gift...
We all know that being an adult is hard and adulting is even harder. It is especially difficult when you are the matriarch or the patriarch in your family and in society. Oftentimes we put our needs on the back burner in order to take care of the family, our careers and our communities.
This gift bag has several tools to help you practice self-care first. We want to remind you, as all flight attendants say, "Put your oxygen mask on first, because if you run out of oxygen, you can't help anyone else BREATHE".
Self-Care is Important for your Physical and Mental Wellbeing. Self-care will help you maintain a healthy relationship with yourself and others by creating positive feelings, gratitude, confidence and self-esteem.
Self-Care is not selfish. Maintaining your physical, mental, and emotional health is vital and practicing self-care can be an antidote to burnout, which is a combination of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion.
A small amount of stress serves a purpose, but excessive STRESS will break down your mind and body. Taking care of yourself means, keeping your stress levels under control, so that you are able to function at full capacity.
Guess what? You have a bag of goodies to get you started.
Let's take control and BREATHE again.

Spanish for “holy wood”, Palo Santo is a sacred tree which grows in select parts of South America. It has been used for centuries for mental and emotional healing, to welcome creativity, love, and good fortune into your space, to brighten your energy reduce stress and enhance clarity.
Palo Santo
Aromatherapy Gift​

A Special Gift​
Bloodstone is a powerful healing stone used for it's healing properties. It is often used to purify and detoxify the body. It's great at grounding negative energy and cleansing the body, Bloodstone brings love into any situation and helps ground the negative energies surrounding that issue.
Assignment Gift​
The simple act of writing a few words, sentences, or paragraphs everyday can have a profound and instant effect on your life for the better. Journaling is an incredible tool, a good-for-you habit that can heighten your point of view. Writing daily can help you manage life's issues in a healthy way. Journaling everyday will help you to see your true feelings, putting these feelings out on paper and letting them take their course is a great way to stay balanced. With journaling, you will uncovered dreams and goals that you never imagined.
A Journal

Light the Palo Santo (like an incense) in the morning until it turns red
Let the Palo Santo burn and smoke for 60 seconds to fill the air in the room
After the smoke fills the room, close your eyes & take 5 deep breaths, each for 6 seconds
Now sit and try to quiet your mind for 30 seconds before our next step
Write 7 Affirmations (See how to write affirmations below @ Learn More)
Remember an affirmation a day, carry your Bloodstone and every time you touch it say the affirmation you remembered.

Light the Palo Santo (like an incense) in the morning until it turns red
Let the Palo Santo burn and smoke for 60 seconds to fill the air in the room
After the smoke fills the room, close your eyes & take 5 deep breaths, each for 6 seconds
Now sit and try to quiet your mind for 30 seconds before our next step
Write 10 things in your gratitude journal (See how to write your Gratitude Journal below @ Learn More)
Hold the Bloodstone and re-read your Journal entry.

[What are affirmations?]
A affirmation is a personal mantra that is a positive phrase or affirmative statement that you say to yourself for the purpose of motivation or encouragement. Affirmations are very powerful. Your subconscious mind does not think in terms of past, present or future. Affirmations must be present tense! When you say I AM HAPPINESS, then life will provide you the means to have happiness. I AM will help you to have positive events in your life and I AM will help you to think positive thoughts. Make sure you FEEL your I AM affirmation by adding positive emotions to WHAT YOU SAY. You have two main powers you were gifted with: Awareness and Choice. Once you become aware of who you actually are (by your own design), you can make good choices. We want you to let go of any and all negative thoughts, feelings, memories and images that bombard your subconscious mind and we REALLY want your subconscious and conscious mind to be filled with new thoughts, feelings, future desires and images that call forth the life you desire and deserve.
[When to write your affirmations]
Allow yourself 15 minutes to write your affirmations first thing each morning. Write out at least 7 I Am’s and use new words daily. If you finish writing your affirmations early then read your I Am’s aloud until your 15 minutes is up.
(Set an alarm or a reminder on your phone so you can make sure you start the day off great.)
[How to create positive affirmations]
Start with the words “I Am ”...
Use the present tense.
State it in the positive. ...
Keep it brief.
Make it specific.
Include at least one word that is a dynamic emotion or feeling.
Make affirmations for yourself, not others. This is about you.
[Affirmation Examples]
I Am a genius
I Am wealth and abundance
I Am freedom
I Am alignment
I Am love
I Am joy
I Am happiness
I Am a fresh start
I Am forgiveness
I Am Safe

[What is a gratitude journal?]
A gratitude journal is a diary of things that you find yourself to be grateful for. Gratitude journals are used to navigate our journeys especially during the daily grind. Gratitude journals help us focus our attention on the positive things in life. The feelings of gratitude possess mental, emotional, physical and well-being health benefits. In order to improve your well-being, you should make it a point to find and articulate the things that you are grateful for daily. Daily gratefulness will take the experience of your life to a whole new level. It’s no secret that showing gratitude is good for your well-being. The vehicle of gratitude will help you to reduce stress, make you happier, improve your self-esteem and increase your positivity. Your gratitude journal is one of the best ways to show thankfulness on a daily basis. All you have to do is pause, BREATHE and take note of the things that you are grateful for during your day and in your history. Just remember, the things that happen to us are the reason why we are where we are.
[When to write your gratitude journal?]
Plan to write in your Gratitude journal every evening, 15 minutes before you END YOUR DAY. Write out at least 10 things you're grateful for daily & Pick one to focus on. If you're done early, read over the things you are grateful for aloud, until your 15 minutes is up. (Set an alarm or a reminder on your phone so you can make sure you end the day complete and fulfilled.)
[How to write your gratitude Journal]
Start with the words, “I Am grateful for ”...
Notice good things, look for them in your past, and present.
Be appreciative for all things, as they have led you to this point in life.
Savor, absorb, and really pay attention to all those good things that took place.
Write down all the things you are grateful for.
Express your gratitude by choosing 1 thing and circling it.
Then write 7 different reasons, why you are grateful for that 1 thing you circled.
[Gratitude journal examples]
I am Grateful for (my life’s journey because),
I am stronger
I am more focused than ever before
I am resilient
I am extremely humbled
I walk in being courageous
I can help someone else navigate life
I get to share a wealth of knowledge and wisdom