Of all scholars increased their belief of becoming successful
Of all scholars increased their understanding of why life has pressure
Of all scholars said “they are more focused on their future now”
Of educators said “their students now understand their futures are on the line everyday”
Of educators and students said “they will focus more on their own futures”

Of scholars want to be in 4YE all year long
Of educators said “their scholars feel that they
now control their future”
Of educators said “their scholars now have more hope”
Of educators said “their scholars were excited for 4YE to come back”

Of all scholars now know why they want to be successful
Of all scholars said they “increased personal control of their lives”
Of all scholars said, “they are now interested in coming to school”
Of educators said “they now think about their own future more”
Of educators said “they learned it was never to late to become their dreams.”

Of scholars increased interest in what they want to be when they grow up
Of scholars increased interest in history
Of educators want to learn how to help scholars outside of academics
4ye pre and post assessment attempts to measure student growth over time, from the time that 4YE begins facilitation until the end of facilitation by conducting pre and post test surveys and questionnaires.