Danger Is Real, But Fear Is A Choice

Fear controls many of our lives, where I’m from, fear controls all realities. As I’ve grown in my trials and tribulations, through my studies and research, I’ve had many epiphanies about fear. I want to share where this idea was conceived.
It was while watching a Will Smith movie called After Earth. There was a quote that stood out to me, “Danger is very real, but fear is a choice.”
That quote spoke volumes to me. I took that quote, analogy, perception on life or whatever you would like to call it very personally, I expanded it and created my own version. My version is, “The dangers of life are real, but how you react to the fear, pain and doubt life causes is a choice.”
The most interesting part of the quote to me was the word choice. You may not realize it but everything in life is a choice. You can choose to be happy, you can choose to be upset, you can choose to be excited, you can choose to forgive or you can choose to accept. Everything in life is a choice.
Once I learned that I can make choices in whatever situation I found myself in, I was set free to move anyway I saw fit. Just like the characters moved freely in the movie After Earth.
What’s even more interesting is that while doing research about choices and decisions, I read some articles discussing The Art of War. These articles talked about how to conquer a civilization. There were three ways proposed to enslave or control a People.
The first way to enslave or control a people is physically, the second way is resourcefully and the third way was psychologically.
To enslave or control a people physically their families, armies and culture would need to be destroyed. This would cause many problems for that community and those problems would result in anger and or resentment towards the enslaver, which would result in a revolution.
To enslave or control a people resourcefully, destruction of their land, contamination of their water and confiscation of their animals would have to happen. This would cause many problems for that community and those problems would also result in anger and or resentment towards the enslaver, which would result in a revolution.
To enslave or control a people psychologically you would have to destroy their hope and peace and fill the created void with the created pain, fear and doubt which result in dependence and negative thinking, which conditions the people to believe they are not equal or intellectually good enough to be better than their current situation. This type of belief would cause the people to live in auto pilot, survival mode or by any means necessary.
In the environments I teach, the communities I’ve done personal development in, and the place I come from, many people are being controlled in at least one of the three ways The Art of War spoke of and that was is usually through the psychological enslavement process.
It seems to me that many people are conditioned to believe that they are not equal to or intellectually good enough to be better than their current situations. I’ve seen too many people living in survival mode, to many people living by any means necessary or just living on auto pilot.
There are too many people in this world living with no hope, no faith and no ability to see the sunshine through the gray and rainy clouds. I am here personally to invite, inform and introduce 12 steps to you so you can live a positive and prosperous life and not be controlled psychologically, resourcefully or physically.
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Peace and Blessings